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Creating Custom Debian Packages for OpenSearch Dashboards

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Creating Custom Debian Packages for OpenSearch Dashboards

When deploying OpenSearch Dashboards in enterprise environments, you often need customizations like specific plugins, custom themes, or specialized configurations. Creating a custom Debian package lets you standardize these modifications across your infrastructure while maintaining the benefits of package management.

This guide walks you through building a custom Debian package for OpenSearch Dashboards 2.18.0 with your own plugins and configurations.

Why Package Custom OpenSearch Dashboards?

Before diving into the technical steps, let’s consider why packaging is better than manual installation:

  1. Standardized deployments across multiple environments
  2. Simplified upgrades through package management
  3. Dependency management handled by the package manager
  4. Configuration consistency across your infrastructure
  5. Easier integration with CI/CD pipelines and configuration management tools


Before starting, ensure your build system has:

Step 1: Setting Up the Build Environment

First, install the necessary dependencies for building OpenSearch Dashboards:

# Install system dependencies
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs npm ruby ruby-dev build-essential rpm git curl

# Install Node Version Manager (nvm)
curl -o- | bash
source ~/.bashrc

# Install Yarn
npm install -g yarn

Step 2: Clone and Prepare the Source Code

Clone the OpenSearch Dashboards repository and check out the specific version you want to package:

git clone
cd OpenSearch-Dashboards
git checkout 2.18.0

# Set up the correct Node.js version
nvm install $(cat .nvmrc)
nvm use $(cat .nvmrc)

Step 3: Add Custom Plugins

Now add your custom plugins to the build:

# Create plugins directory if it doesn't exist
mkdir -p plugins

# Copy your custom plugins
cp -r /path/to/your/custom/plugins/* plugins/

# Alternatively, you can clone plugin repositories directly
# git clone plugins/your-plugin

Step 4: Build OpenSearch Dashboards

Build the package with your custom plugins included:

# Bootstrap the project
yarn osd bootstrap

# Build OpenSearch Dashboards
yarn build --skip-os-packages

This process might take some time depending on your system resources.

Step 5: Create the Debian Package Structure

Create the directory structure for your Debian package:

# Create base package directory
mkdir -p opensearch-dashboards-2.18.0/DEBIAN

# Create installation directories
mkdir -p opensearch-dashboards-2.18.0/usr/share/opensearch-dashboards
mkdir -p opensearch-dashboards-2.18.0/etc/opensearch-dashboards
mkdir -p opensearch-dashboards-2.18.0/var/log/opensearch-dashboards
mkdir -p opensearch-dashboards-2.18.0/var/lib/opensearch-dashboards
mkdir -p opensearch-dashboards-2.18.0/lib/systemd/system

Step 6: Copy Build Artifacts

Copy the built files to the appropriate locations in the package structure:

# Copy built OpenSearch Dashboards files
cp -r build/opensearch-dashboards/* opensearch-dashboards-2.18.0/usr/share/opensearch-dashboards/

Step 7: Create Debian Control Files

Control File

Create the main package control file:

cat > opensearch-dashboards-2.18.0/DEBIAN/control << EOL
Package: opensearch-dashboards
Version: 2.18.0
Section: web
Priority: optional
Architecture: amd64
Depends: libnss3
Maintainer: Your Name <>
Description: OpenSearch Dashboards with custom plugins
 Custom build of OpenSearch Dashboards including specific plugins

Pre-installation Script

Create the pre-installation script to set up the user and group:

cat > opensearch-dashboards-2.18.0/DEBIAN/preinst << EOL
if ! getent group opensearch-dashboards >/dev/null; then
    groupadd -r opensearch-dashboards
if ! getent passwd opensearch-dashboards >/dev/null; then
    useradd -r -g opensearch-dashboards -d /usr/share/opensearch-dashboards -s /sbin/nologin opensearch-dashboards

chmod 755 opensearch-dashboards-2.18.0/DEBIAN/preinst

Post-installation Script

Create the post-installation script to set permissions:

cat > opensearch-dashboards-2.18.0/DEBIAN/postinst << EOL
chown -R opensearch-dashboards:opensearch-dashboards /usr/share/opensearch-dashboards
chown -R opensearch-dashboards:opensearch-dashboards /var/log/opensearch-dashboards
chown -R opensearch-dashboards:opensearch-dashboards /var/lib/opensearch-dashboards
chmod 750 /usr/share/opensearch-dashboards
chmod 750 /var/log/opensearch-dashboards
chmod 750 /var/lib/opensearch-dashboards

# Enable and start the service
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl enable opensearch-dashboards.service

chmod 755 opensearch-dashboards-2.18.0/DEBIAN/postinst

Step 8: Create Configuration Files

Configuration File

Copy and modify the default configuration file:

cp config/opensearch_dashboards.yml opensearch-dashboards-2.18.0/etc/opensearch-dashboards/

# Add custom paths
cat >> opensearch-dashboards-2.18.0/etc/opensearch-dashboards/opensearch_dashboards.yml << EOL

# Custom paths /var/lib/opensearch-dashboards
path.logs: /var/log/opensearch-dashboards

# Custom settings ""
server.port: 5601
opensearch.hosts: ["https://localhost:9200"]
opensearch.ssl.verificationMode: none

Systemd Service File

Create a systemd service file for automatic startup:

cat > opensearch-dashboards-2.18.0/lib/systemd/system/opensearch-dashboards.service << EOL
Description=OpenSearch Dashboards



Step 9: Build the Debian Package

Now build the Debian package:

dpkg-deb --build opensearch-dashboards-2.18.0

This will create a file named opensearch-dashboards-2.18.0.deb in your current directory.

Step 10: Installing the Package

To install your custom package on a Debian/Ubuntu system:

sudo dpkg -i opensearch-dashboards-2.18.0.deb

# If there are dependency issues
sudo apt-get install -f

Final Package Structure

Your final package will have the following structure: