Enterprise PKI with HashiCorp Vault and CoreDNS - Complete Setup Guide
Building a secure internal network requires proper certificate management and name resolution. HashiCorp Vault provides robust certificate authority capabilities, while CoreDNS offers flexible DNS management. This guide demonstrates how to implement a complete PKI solution across multiple servers, enabling secure internal HTTPS communications with proper certificate validation.
Architecture Overview
Our setup consists of three virtual machines, each with a specific role:
graph TD
A[VM1: Vault Server<br>] -->|Issues Certificates| C[VM3: Nginx Server<br>]
B[VM2: CoreDNS Server<br>] -->|Name Resolution| A
B -->|Name Resolution| C
A -->|Root & Intermediate CA| D[PKI Infrastructure]
C -->|HTTPS Services| E[Internal Users]
B -->|DNS Services| E
- VM1 ( HashiCorp Vault server acting as Certificate Authority
- VM2 ( CoreDNS server providing internal DNS resolution
- VM3 ( Nginx web server with TLS/SSL enabled
Before beginning, ensure you have:
- Three virtual machines with the IPs listed above
- Basic Linux administration knowledge
- Network connectivity between all three servers
- Root or sudo access on all machines
Step 1: Initialize and Configure HashiCorp Vault
First, let’s install and configure Vault on the dedicated server.
Installing Vault
# Download and install Vault
curl -fsSL https://apt.releases.hashicorp.com/gpg | sudo apt-key add -
sudo apt-add-repository "deb [arch=amd64] https://apt.releases.hashicorp.com $(lsb_release -cs) main"
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install vault
# Verify the installation
vault --version
Configure the Vault Server
Create a basic configuration file:
sudo mkdir /etc/vault
sudo nano /etc/vault/config.hcl
Add the following configuration:
storage "file" {
path = "/opt/vault/data"
listener "tcp" {
address = ""
tls_disable = 1 # Enable TLS in production with proper certificates
api_addr = ""
cluster_addr = ""
ui = true
Prepare the storage directory and start Vault:
sudo mkdir -p /opt/vault/data
sudo chown -R vault:vault /opt/vault
sudo systemctl enable vault
sudo systemctl start vault
Initialize and Unseal Vault
Initialize the Vault server:
export VAULT_ADDR=''
vault operator init
This will output five unseal keys and a root token. Store these securely as they are critical for accessing your Vault.
Sample output: