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CIS Benchmark-Aligned Partitioning Scheme for Rocky Linux 9.5

Published: at 02:00 PM

CIS Benchmark-Aligned Partitioning Scheme for Rocky Linux 9.5

To align your Rocky Linux 9.5 installation with CIS Benchmark recommendations and fully utilize 400 GiB of storage, follow this partitioning scheme and filesystem recommendations.

๐Ÿ“Œ Partitioning Plan (CIS Benchmark Aligned)

PartitionSizeFilesystemMount OptionsPurpose
/boot1024 MiBext4nodev, noexec, nosuidBootloader partition
/home100 GiBxfsnodevUser data storage
/var40 GiBxfsnodevApp & system logs
/var/log60 GiBxfsnodevSystem logs
/var/log/audit15 GiBxfsnodevSecurity audit logs
/var/tmp20 GiBxfsnodev, noexec, nosuidTemporary storage
/tmp20 GiBxfsnodev, noexec, nosuidPrevent script execution in /tmp
/srv30 GiBxfsnodevApplication data
/opt30 GiBxfsnodevThird-party software
/swap16 GiBswapN/AVirtual memory swap
/ (root)88 GiBxfsDefaultMain OS partition

Total Used: 400 GiB โœ…

๐Ÿ”ง Filesystem Choices

XFS (for most partitions)Best for high-performance and large storage
EXT4 (for /boot)Needed for compatibility with bootloaders
SwapVirtual memory

๐Ÿ“Œ Security-Hardened /etc/fstab Configuration

UUID=<boot-uuid>    /boot         ext4  defaults,nodev,noexec,nosuid  1 2
UUID=<home-uuid>    /home         xfs   defaults,nodev                0 2
UUID=<var-uuid>     /var          xfs   defaults,nodev                0 2
UUID=<log-uuid>     /var/log      xfs   defaults,nodev                0 2
UUID=<audit-uuid>   /var/log/audit xfs  defaults,nodev                0 2
UUID=<tmp-uuid>     /tmp          xfs   defaults,nodev,noexec,nosuid  0 2
UUID=<vtmp-uuid>    /var/tmp      xfs   defaults,nodev,noexec,nosuid  0 2
UUID=<srv-uuid>     /srv          xfs   defaults,nodev                0 2
UUID=<opt-uuid>     /opt          xfs   defaults,nodev                0 2
UUID=<root-uuid>    /             xfs   defaults                      0 1
UUID=<swap-uuid>    swap          swap  defaults                      0 0

๐Ÿ“ Replace <UUID> with actual disk UUIDs using blkid command

๐Ÿ›  Steps to Configure During Installation

  1. Manual Partitioning: Choose โ€œCustom Partitioningโ€ in Rocky Linux installer.
  2. Format the Partitions:
    • Set /boot as ext4.
    • Set all other partitions as XFS.
    • Set swap as swap.
  3. Assign Mount Points as per the table.
  4. Apply Mount Options:
    • Click on Modify Mount Options โ†’ Set nodev, noexec, nosuid as needed.
  5. Confirm Total Usage is ~400 GiB and proceed with installation.

๐Ÿ” Additional Hardening

โœ” Enable Automatic fsck (Filesystem Check) on Boot โœ” Ensure SELinux is Enforcing (getenforce should return Enforcing) โœ” Set correct file permissions (chmod 1777 /tmp /var/tmp)

๐Ÿ”ฅ Final Thoughts

Automation with Ansible

This partitioning scheme can be automated using Ansible for consistent deployments across multiple servers. A basic playbook structure would include:

- name: Configure CIS-compliant partitioning
  hosts: rocky_servers
  become: true
    - name: Install required packages
          - parted
          - lvm2
        state: present

    - name: Configure partitions
        - name: Create partitions
          # Commands to create partitions
          # This would typically involve parted commands

        - name: Format partitions
          # Format each partition with the correct filesystem

        - name: Update fstab
          # Add entries to /etc/fstab

        - name: Set correct permissions
            path: "{{ item }}"
            mode: '1777'
            - /tmp
            - /var/tmp

For production use, a more detailed playbook with proper error handling and idempotence checks would be necessary.

By following this partitioning scheme and security recommendations, youโ€™ll have a solid foundation for a secure Rocky Linux 9.5 server that aligns with CIS Benchmark standards.